Traditional Doom

Solitude Aeturnus

American doom from the deepest grave.


Doom warrios of black magic and solitude.


The pain itself, the pain is to be implemented in the main adipsic process. To achieve resilience, they will never be blinded by the consequences of even the smallest of accusers.

Doom metal can be traced all the way back to the 1970's with Black Sabbath album Black Sabbath. It featured slow and groovy riffs with heavy distortion. The lyrics tend to focus on the occult, depression, addiction and problems around the world. The bands are mainly made up of a singer, bass, drums and one or two guitarist. After there world wide sucess other bands such as Pentagram, Cirith Ungol, Saint Vitus, Trouble, and Witchfinder General.

Another style of doom is Epic Doom. Epic doom takes the slow playing from traditional doom and add operatic vocals and more epic guitars. it weas formed in the 1980's by Leif Edling of Candlemass fame. Epic may share most of the same lyrics as traditional but add a more fantasy and larger than life feeling to the mix. Some band of epic doom are Candlemass, Solitude Aeturnus, Solstice, Sorcerer, Crypt Sermon, While Heaven Wept, Doom Sword, and Krux.

For more doom click the bandcamp or website buttons.

Black Sabbath

The gods of doom.


Doom from the wrath of god.




Death/doom to hack and slash to.

My Dying Bride

Gothic Death/Doom from the darkest cathedral.


Death/Doom (My favorite) is what happens when you combined death metal with doom metal. It started in the late 1980's with bands such as Autopsy and Asphyx. THe music sound like like your worst fears are going to come alive and kill you. Even though doom is mainly slow death/doom an use faster death metal tempos. The lyrics are the most vast in doom dealing with more horror and depressing lyrics. Some death/doom band are Paradise Lost, My Dying Bride, Anathama, Novembers Doom, Katationia, Swallowed, Temple of Void, Worm, Disembowelment, and Hooded Menace.

Another type of death doom is Melodic Death/Doom. Which takes death/doom and makes it more melodic. The sound has a more deprssing beautiful sound. It will also use keyboards more than death/doom. Many bands who use this style are October Tide, Swallow the Sun, Saturnus, Slumber, Exgenesis, Rapture, Daylight Dies, and Ghost Brigade.

The final off shoot of Death/Doom is Funeral Doom. Created in the 1990's it took the slow crushing riffs of doom and made it slower and darker. The music is also described as dream like and haunting. Keyboard and backgrpund noises help to create a dark foreboding atmosphere. Some bands include Ahab, Colloseeum, Thergathon, Evoken, Worship, Doom:Vs, Septicism, Atramentus, and Bell Witch.

For more doom click the bandcamp or website buttons.


Depressing Death/doom from the UK's underground.

Hooded Menace

Evil born in the forest of Finnland



The Melvis being old

They just do what ever they want.

Crowbar looking cool

Crushing sludge made from voodoo magic.


Sludge metal is an offshoot of doom and hardcore music. Many of the genre's bigiest bands are from Louisiana. Even though the guitars can be tuned down more than death/doom I would say its not as brutal or as atmospheric. Many of the lyrics tend to be out hardships and drug addiction. Some of the bands are Crowbar, Eyehategod, Void body, Acid Bath, Beneath Oblivion, Fister, Atlus Moth, The Ocean, Cult of Luna, and Nueosis.

A some what sub genre of sludge is post-rock and post metal. many of the genre's music are isntramentals. The isntraments are the most vaired of any genre. They can hav guitar, bass, piano, symphinic and eltronic isntraments. Because the music is mainly instamental it lets you paint a landscape of what the song could mean. Some of the bands include God is an Austronaut, If these Trees could Talk, MONO, Collapse the Empire, Mogwai, Black Hill & Silent Island.

For more doom click the bandcamp or website buttons.

Beneath Oblivion

Post apacalyptic doom from the forgoten catacombs of Cincinnati.


A journey to take you to the realms beyond.
